A range of Christmas decorations suitable to hang on the tree or anywhere in the house....package them away carefully and bring them out year after year! Please check out my shop page to see what's available now.

Holly Berry Tree
A lovely Christmas tree with red and green detail decoration. A red pot and small bell on the top complete the tree!
approx 10cm x 4cm

Bauble Tree
A lovely Christmas tree with various coloured bauble decoration. A red pot and small star on the top complete the tree!
approx 8cm x 6cm

Nugget Star
A five point star with a glass nugget in the centre. Available in plain coloured glass or christmas decal glass
approx 15cm x 15cm

Snowflake Tree
A tall tree in green or white with a screen printed gold snowflake design. Finished with pot and bell top
approx 11cm x 4cm

Two misteltoe leaves and two white pearly berries!
approx 6cm x 6cm

Two holly leaves and two shiny red berry beads!
approx 6cm x 6cm

A cheeky santa with a pink nugget nose and a snowflake design hat topped with a tiny bell!
approx 10cm x 4cm

A beautiful little angel with dress made in irridescent glass with a glass nugget head and twisted wire halo.
approx 8cm x 6cm

A cute robin with a lovely red breast
approx 9cm x9m

Large Tree
A larger tree with five different pieces of glass , perfect for hanging in the window
approx 13cm x 9cm